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Last modified: 2005-02-06 by antonio martins
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See also:
  • [e2m95]: title in english | edition no. | height | width | ISBN
  • [e9s04]: (main) author(s) | pages | height | width | ISBN
  • [eaj]: frequency | pages | height | width | ISSN
  • [ear01]: pages
  • [ebc99]: title in english | edition no. | height | width | ISBN
  • [ebe92]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width
  • [ebl93]: title in english | source number | height | width
  • [ebr70]: (main) author(s) | edition no. | ISBN
  • [ebt72]: source number | height | width
  • [ecm90]: edition no. | ISBN
  • [ecn94]: (main) author(s) | publisher (name and place) | source number | height | width
  • [eco85]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width
  • [eco85a]: source number | height | width
  • [ede87]: edition no. | pages | ISBN
  • [edg77]: height | width
  • [edl85]: edition no. | height | width | ISBN
  • [edm02]: (main) author(s) | height | width | ISBN
  • [edr97]: pages | height | width | ISBN
  • [eek22]: title in english | publisher (name) | source number | height | width
  • [eep]: pages | height | width | ISSN
  • [ega94]: edition no. | height | width | ISBN
  • [egb93]: title in english | edition no. | height | width | ISBN
  • [egc58]: edition no.
  • [egc99]: edition no. | ISBN
  • [egm85]: height | width
  • [egr60]: height | width
  • [eic69]: height | width
  • [eid82]: height | width | ISBN
  • [eim26]: edition no. | height | width
  • [eke55]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width
  • [ekk82]: title in english | edition no. | pages | height | width | ISBN
  • [eks93]: title in english | source number |