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Zenica-Doboj Canton (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Zenicko-Dobojski Kanton, Canton 4

Last modified: 2004-11-13 by dov gutterman
Keywords: bosnia and herzegovina | federation of bosnia and herzegovina | zenica-doboj | zenica | doboj | bobovac-zepa | zepa |
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by Zeljko Heimer, 3 July 2004

See also:


  • Breza
  • Doboj - Jug
  • Kakanj
  • Maglaj
  • Olovo
  • Tešanj
  • Usora
  • Vares
  • Visoko
  • Zavidovici
  • Zenica
  • Zepce


Zenica-Doboj Canton (or Canton 4) of B&H Federation. I have received a while ago information and image from Muhamed Mesic of Tuzla, the flag is supposedly adopted about 1997, being green over white over red tricolour, in ratio 4:3:1. The coat of arms is set in the middle, light blue with green crescent and several cheques of Gules and Argent, all bordered in gold and crowned with the Bosnian crown. The info was never confirmed from other source, and the details of the design remain unknown. It is highly probable that this flag is changed in the mean time.
Canton 4 was also called by Bosnian Croats "Bobovac<ko-Z<epac<ka zupanija" (Bobovac-Z<epa).
Zeljko Heimer, 28 May 2000

What we have above is not correct any more as the ZDK changed their flag recently.
Zeljko Heimer, 22 April 2001

Some time ago it was reported about the new coat of arms of Zenica-Doboj Canton shown on <>. I reported that there is a new flag and coat of arms even before, but I never manage to get anything more firm on that until now. I was informed by a visitor of my site, Michael Eisenblätter, that there is a photo on <> that showes the flag with the new coat of arms.
The photo showes the center of Zenica in winter-time with four flag masts, with flags hoisted vertically, left to right: 1. B&H, 2. Federation of B&H, 3. Zenica-Doboj Canton, 4. Community of Zenica.
The flag is tricolour of green over white over red with relative widths 1:2:1 (i.e. the width of the middle white stripe is double of the width of each of the green and red stripes) with the coat of arms set in the middle, as high as the with stripe, i.e. just touching the green and red stripes.
The coat of arms is a triangular shield bordered yellow, in a blue field a yellow fleur-de-lis crown above the ring of ten white six-pointed stars. The crown is also known as Kotromanic crown, refering to the medieval dinasty of Bosnian rulers.
Regarding to the quality of sources, my drawings are to be considered "educated guess", since many minor details are hardly visible.
Zeljko Heimer, 25 June 2002


In the official gazette there are two laws on the first set of symbols of the Canton "Zakon o grbu i zastavi Zenieko-dobojskog kantona" and "Zakon o upotrebi grba i zastave Zenieko-dobojskog kantona" both of 30.07.1997. in Slubene novine Zenieko-dobojskog kantona, br. 11/97, Zenica, 18.08.1997. pp. 899-903:

"Based on the Article 37(h) and in connection with Article 8 line 1 of the Constitution of the Zenica-Doboj Canton, the Assembly of the Zenica-Doboj Canton, in its 11th session held on 30 July 1997, (hereby) adopts

Law on the Coat of Arms and the flag of the Zenica-Doboj Canton

Article 1. The coat of arms of the Zenica-Doboj Canton is in a blue shield bordered with a yellow line; in the chief is a yellow, historic Bosnian royal crown of fleurs-de-lis, in the base is a white crescent with its horns pointing towards the chief, and between the two are four cubes in a chess-board pattern fimbriated by a thin white line. [The "cubes" are actually squares, of course, and are not described for the colour, however, there is hardly any doubt that they meant to be red. ZH]

Article 2. The flag of the Zenica-Doboj Canton is rectangular tricolour, horizontally divided into three fields, the upper half is green, the central part is white and covers two sixths of the width and the lower part is red covering one-sixth of the flag's width. In the centre of the flag's length is set the coat of arms of Zenica-Doboj Canton as established in the Article 1 of this Law, with its upper part extending into one-third of the green field, continuing though the entire white field and entering into one-fourth of the red field. The ratio of the width to the length of the flag is 1:2.

Article 3. Visual design and graphic standards for the manufacture of the coat of arms and flag of the Zenica-Doboj Canton are an integral part of this Law.

Article 4. A separate law shall be passed on the use of the coat of arms and the flag of the Zenica-Doboj Canton.

Article 5. This Law will become valid upon being published in the "Sluzbene novine Zenieko-dobojskog kantona".

Chairman of the Assembly
Refik Dzaferovic, m. p.
Nr. 01-315/97
30 July 1997


"Based on the Article 37 point h of the Constitution of the Zenica-Doboj Canton, the Assembly of the Zenica-Doboj Canton, in its 11th session held on 30 July 1997, (hereby) adopts

Law on use of the coat of arms and the flag of the Zenica-Doboj Canton

Article 1. This Law (shall) determine the use of the coat of arms and the flag of the Zenica-Doboj Canton (hereinafter called the Canton).
Article 2. The coat of arms and the flag of the Canton represent the Canton and express loyalty to the Canton.
Article 3. The coat of arms and the flag of the Canton shall be used in accordance with the decisions of this Law (and) in a manner expressing the reputation and the dignity of the Canton.
Article 4. Display of the coat of arms and flag of the Canton together with the coat of arms and flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina and (of) the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina shall be in accordance with the laws of Bosnia and Herzegovina and (of) the Federation on the use of the coat of arms and the flag.
Article 5. The coat of arms and flag of the Canton must be used only in the shape and the detail as determined by the Law on the coat of arms and flag of the Zenica-Doboj Canton. In exceptional circumstances, and if so regulated by special authority, the coat of arms and flag of the Canton might be used as component parts of other emblems or symbols (military, command and rank flags etc.).
Article 6. The original of the coat of arms and flag of the Canton are preserved with the President of the Canton, and provide the standard to which other representations of the coat of arms and of the flag must accord.
Article 7. The coat of arms and flag must not be used as a commercial or service seal, pattern or model, nor as any other symbol marking goods or services.
Article 8. The coat of arms and flag of the Canton may be used in artistic work and for educational purposes (but) upon the condition that such use does not offend (against) the respect and the dignity of the Canton.
Article 9. The coat of arms and the flag cannot be used in a public place if they are damaged or otherwise having an appearance unsuitable for (such) use. The damaged or unsuitable coat of arms and/or flag must be withdrawn from use.
Article 10. If the coat of arms and the flag of the Canton are displayed on the territory of the Canton together with an other domestic or foreign coat of arms or flag, the coat of arms or the flag of the Canton is set in the place of honour, in accordance with this Law except in (those) cases determined by Article 4 of this Law.

Article 11. The coat of arms of the Canton is used:
1. As part of the seal of the Canton,
2. In the official halls and on the inscriptions of the buildings where the bodies of the Canton are situated,
3. On the uniforms of the members of the Cantonal Ministry of Interior, and
4. In other cases according to the law.
Article 12. The coat of arms of the Canton may be used:
1. On the buildings where the bodies of the communities of the Canton are situated, as well as in the ceremonial halls of those bodies,
2. On occasions of international meetings, competitions and other gatherings (political, scientific, cultural-artistic, sporting etc.)
in which the Canton takes part,
3. On official invitations, greeting cards and similar issued by the President of the Canton, the Chairman of the Cantonal Assembly, the Chairman of the Cantonal Government and other officers of the Canton.
4. In other cases, if their use is not in contravention of this Law.
Article 13. If the coat of arms of the Canton is displayed on the territory of the Canton together with one or more domestic or foreign coats of arms or with other similar emblems, except in those cases listed in Article 4 of this Law, the coat of arms of the Canton is set in the place of honour, meaning:
1. In the centre of a circle, as seen from the front if the other coats of arms and emblems are arranged in a circle,
2. In the centre of a semicircle, as seen from the front if the other coats of arms and emblems are arranged in a semicircle,
3. At the head of a column of other coats of arms, if the other coats of arms and the emblems are arranged in a column,
4. At the head of a group of other coats of arms, if the other coats of arms are arranged in a group,
5. On the right side, as seen from the front, of the coat of arms of a foreign state or an international organisation are displayed in the centre.

Article 14. The flag of the Canton is used:
1. On the buildings in which are situated the Cantonal Assembly, the President of the Canton, the Government of the Canton and the community mayor.
2. During the holidays, on the buildings in which are situated cantonal and communal bodies, for the duration of the holidays,
3. On the mourning days, as determined by the Government of the Federation or of the Canton, half staffed for the duration of the mourning,
4. In other cases under conditions and in way determined by the Law,
Article 15. The flag of the Canton may be used:
1. On the buildings in which are situated cantonal and communal bodies during the festivities in the Canton or the community,
2. On occasions of international meetings, competitions and other gatherings (political, scientific, cultural-artistic, sporting etc.) in which the Canton takes part,
3. On celebrations and other mass political, cultural, sporting and similar events that are significant for the Canton,
4. In other cases, if their use is not in contravention of this Law.
Article 16. If the flag of the Canton is displayed on the territory of the Canton together with other flags, except in (those) cases detailed in Article 4 of this Law, the flag of the Canton is set in the place of honour, meaning:
1. In the centre if displayed with two (other) flags,
2. In the centre of a circle, as seen from the front if the flags are arranged in a circle,
3. In the centre of the semicircle, as seen from the front if the flags are arranged in a semicircle,
4. At the head of a column of other flags, if the other flags are arranged in a column,
5. At the first position in a row, if the other flags are arranged in a row,
6. At the head of a group of other flags, if the other flags are arranged in a group,
7. On the left side, as seen from the front, of the other flag, except to the right side of the flag of a foreign state or the flag of an international organisation during the official visit of an official representative of that state or (of) the organization.
Article 17. The flag of the Canton is raised and lowered, hoisted and taken down or carried with the usual honours (standing up, saluting etc.)

Article 18. A company or other legal body shall be punished with a monetary fine of between 1000 and 5000 DEM, if it
1. Uses the coat of arms or the flag of the Canton whose shape and contents do not accord with the provisions of the Article 5 of this Law,
2. Uses the coat of arms or the flag of the Canton as a trade mark for merchandise or services (Article 7),
3. Uses the coat of arms or the flag of the Canton against the conditions detailed in Article 8 of this law,
4. Publicly uses the coat of arms or the flag of the Canton that are damaged or whose appearance is unsuitable for use (Article 9),
5. Uses i.e. displays the coat of arms or the flag of the Canton against the provisions of the Articles 4, 12 and 15 of this Law,
6. Does not use i.e. does not display the coat of arms or the flag of the Canton in accordance with the Articles 10, 13 and 16 of this Law. The person responsible (in the company, government body and other legal body) for the offences under paragraph 1 of this Article shall be fined between 100 and 500 DEM.
Article 19. A private person performing public economic enterprise for the offences under paragraph 1 of Article 18 shall be fined between 100 and 500 DEM. For the offences under paragraph 1, line 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Article 18, a citizen shall be fined between 50 and 250 DEM.
Article 20. The monetary fine determined by Articles 18 and 19 of this Law is payable in DEM or in the appropriate monetary unit of Bosnia and Herzegovina according to the middle exchange rate determined and issued by the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the day of payment. Until the establishment of the monetary units of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the monetary units determined by the National Band of Bosnia and Herzegovina shall be used instead.
Article 21. An offender under Articles 18 and 19 of this Law may be liable to confiscation of the object with which the offence was committed. The accredited person of the Cantonal Ministry of the Interior may confiscate the objects (listed) under line 1 of this Article before issuing the request for the offensive proceedings and shall at once transfer them to the appropriate body.

Article 22. This Law will become valid on the day following publication in the "Sluzbene novine Zenieko-dobojskog kantona".
Chairman of the Assembly
Refik Dzaferovic, m. p.
Nr. 01-325/97
30 July 1997

The new legislation in 2000 introduced the current emblems amending the 1997 law: Zakom o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o grbu i zastavi Zenieko-dobojskog kantona, 21.06.2000. Sluzbene novine Zenieko-dobojskog kantona, br. 12/00, Zenica, 21.08.2000. p. 518:

"Based on the Article 37 point h in connection with Article 8 line 1 of the Constitution of the Zenica-Doboj Canton, the Assembly of the Zenica-Doboj Canton, in its 19th session held on 21 June 2000, (hereby) adopts

Law on amendments and additions to the Law on the coat of arms and the flag of the Zenica-Doboj Canton

Article 1. In the Law on the coat of arms and the flag of the Zenica-Doboj Canton (SN ZDK 11/97) in the article 1 in the fourth row behind the word ["kings"] is added "in the base are set ten white six-pointed stars arranged in a circle, taking up a half of the shield. The coat of arms and the blue field [sic!] are bordered with a golden- yellow line", and the remaining text of the article is deleted.
Article 2. In Article 2 in the third row after the word "so" is added "the upper quarter is green, the central part is white and covers two fourths of the breadth and the lower part is red covering a quarter of the flag's breath. In the middle of the flag length is set in the white field the coat of arms of Zenica-Doboj Canton as established in the Article 1 of the Law, covering the whole breath of the white field. The ratio of the breath and length of the flag is 1:2." and the remaining text of the article is deleted.
Article 3. This Law will become valid upon being published in the "Sluzbene novine Zenieko-dobojskog kantona".

Chairman of the Assembly
Refik Dzaferovic, m. p.
Nr. 01-111/2000
21 June 2000

Zeljko Heimer, Jos Poels and Chris Southworth, 3 July 2004

Coat of Arms

by Zeljko Heimer, 3 July 2004

Previous Symbols

by Zeljko Heimer,3 July 2004

Coat of Arms
by Zeljko Heimer, 3 July 2004