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Padania - Flags of Padania "Nations" - Part 2 (Italy)

Last modified: 2005-01-08 by dov gutterman
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Romagna (Lega Nord Romagna)

by Giuseppe Bottasini, 24 June 1996

In two quarters there is the red cross on white field, while in the other two quarters there is a yellow cross (green fimbriated) on a red field and 4 yellow green-fimbriated "C" (something like the Serbian flag).
Giuseppe Bottasini, 19 September 1996

A flag for Romagna is proposed: in two quarters there is the red cross on white field, while in the other two quarters there is a yellow cross (green fimbriated) on a red field and 4 yellow green-fimbriated "C" (something like the Serbian flag). It has clearly Byzantine roots.
Mario Fabretto, 20 September 1996

Romagna: quartered 1-4 red cross on white; 2-3 yellow cross on red and in each red quarter a letter like the ones in the serbian arms.
Jaume Olle', 29 December 1998

"Romagna" is identical to the Byzantine one. Romagna belonged to Byzantine Empire for a long time. This may explain the adoption of Byzantine flag by the Romagna autonomist movement. The logo of the autonomist movement of Romagna includes the flag. See its site
Giuseppe Bottasini, 29 August 2000

by Matteo Colaone, 29 September 2000

The proposed flag by Lega Nord and other Autonomist Movements is directly derives from the old Byzantine Empire flag that was created (according to "Libro del conoscimento de todos los reynos", XIV sec.) by the combination of San Giorgio cross and Paleologo dinasty's flag. The four symbols on Paleologo flag could be "B" letters in greek alphabet, that could stand for the motto: "Re dei re regnante sui re". The Byzantine Domine was the only power that gave unity to Romagna land (Esarcato e Pentapoli).
Paleologo's CoA is also present in 'Casale Monferrato' (Piemont) CoA, in 'Ducato di Mantova' CoA, and in 'Paleologo of Monferrato' family's CoA.
Matteo Colaone, 29 August 2000

This emblem was drawn on bysantine coins in VI century and on banner (labarum) of emperor Constantin. This is the flag of the Byzantine Empire under the Paleologues' dinasty and it's a copy of the one in Neubecker's "Heraldry - sources, symbols and meaning (1976), p. 106. (incl the rounded corners)
Victor Lomantsov, 1 October 2000 ,Santiago Dotor and Jarig Bakker, 3 October 2000

Indeed it is the Byzantine flag. Most probably it was chosen by the "autonomists" there (a very very small minority) because Romagna was Byzantine for a lot of time before being "inherited" by the State of the church. Outside this recent choice it has not any tradition of use in Romagna. The most famous Italian coat of arms bearing the flag or arms of Byzantium was NOT used in Romagna but was used in the Marchesato del Monferrato (a sub region of Piedmont, between Turin and Genoa),  and also in Mantua. Both Monferrato and Mantua were ruled at a stage by the Gonzaga Family which had some Paleologue Byzantine ancestor, so for Monferrato and Mantua the Paleologue Cross with 4 B is definitely  there because of  of some family  heraldic reason. What I remember without consultin some book is that some Byzantine noblemen of the Paleologue imperial dynasty settled in Italy I guess because of political dissent with a new emperor in Constantinople (and more Byzantines people and nobles took refuge in Italy at the time of the fall of Byzantium to the invading turkish army in 1453). The south slavians tribes of invaders which arrived in Illyria in the VII century of our era, when began to reach the stage of forming their kingdom adopted the trappings and symbols of the  far more complex ancient civilization of Byzantium and so from Constantinople they usurped the eagle (which they re painted white instead of gold) as a symbol of sovereignity and the red S. George cross,too and the golden cross with the four golden B in the four quarters. The  "B" comes from basileus = Greek for  king and/or emperor and there were 4 because of a Greek phrase saying something like king of the king reigning over kings. The four Byzantine B in the serbian flags became four C.
Marcus Prometheus, 1 October 2000

Other Reported Flags

Has anyone ever seen this flag I have found in an Italian site about dialects?
It is supposed to be a flag of Romagna, even if the site no longer shows it.
Paolo Montanelli, 24 June 2003

by Jaume Olle', 25 June 2003

In Flag Report 24, regarding to Romagna, a flag was published that has a resemblance with the one posted by Paolo Montanelli. The roster bear a scepter like the one pictured in the flag. This flag, I believe, is used by the Leghiste (followers of the Padanian Leagues). The text say: Flag adopted (for use) toward September  2000. Yellow and red are the national colors of Romagna. the cross fimbreated white symbolizes to the romagnolos as one of the peoples of the Padania (whose historical flag is red cross in white field); the rooster represents to the ancestres, the Senon Gauls, and carries the sceptre used by the ancient Celtic. Has four tones of blue probably somewhat more strong that in the image (where the tones correspond to those of the photo).
Jaume Olle', 25 June 2003

see also: Emilia-Romagna Region and Byzantine Empire

South Tyrol [Sud Tyrol] (Lega Nord Alto Adige-Sudtirol)

by Matteo Colaone, 5 October 2000

SudTirolesi uses a white-red flag with the eagle.
Giuseppe Bottasini, 19 September 1996

Sud Tyrol - white over red with arms in center (white with red eagle armed and tongued yellow and crowned with green laurel).
Jaume Olle', 29 December 1998

This flag (Horizontal white-red with shield bearing an eagle) is listed under number 47 at the chart "Flags of Aspirant Peoples" [eba94] as: "South Tyrol [Su¨d Tirol] (Austrians of Alto