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Transcarpathia County (Ukraine)

Zakarpats'ka Oblast'

Last modified: 2004-08-07 by dov gutterman
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Закарпатська область

See also:

Districts (Rayons):

Note: When there is no district flag, link will lead to its capital's flag

  • [1] Berehovo/Beregove (Берегове)
  • [2] Velykiy Berezniy (Вел.Березний)
  • [3] Vynohradiv/Vynogradiv (Виноградів)
  • [4] Volovets' (Воловець)
  • [5] Irshava (Іршава)
  • [6] Mizhhirya/Mizhgirya (Міжгір'я)
  • [7] Mukachevo (Мукачево)
  • [8] Perechyn (Перечин)
  • [9] Rachiv/Rakhiv (Рахів)
  • [10] Svalyava (Свалява)
  • [11] Tyachiv (Тячів)
  • [12] Uzhorod/Uzhgorod (Ужгород)
  • [13] Uzhhorod/Uzhgorod (City) (Ужгород)
  • [14] Chust/Khust (Хуст)


The County

Capital: Uzhhorod (Soviet era name in Russian: Uz^gorod). Transcarpathia/Zakarpatska area seized from (Czecho)slovakia in 22 January 1946
Antonio Martins , 10 July 1999

The territory of present Transcarpathia (Zakarpats'ka oblast') had not named before 1920. The territory was parts of the following counties of Hungary: Bereg Co., Ung Co., Ugocsa Co. and Ma'ramaros Co. Maybe it had got a name in Ruthenian (they are indigenous people of the territory): Rusinsko??
Between 1918-1920 many countries claimed the territory. Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Ukrainia, Hungary and of course the Ruthens. The territory was united with Czechoslovakia and it was an "historical territory" of Rusinsko. The Hungarian name of the territory between the WW-s was Ruszinszko', later Ka'rpa'talja. The Ruthenian name was Rusinsko or Pidkarpatska Rus (Subcarpathia). In 1938 after the Decision of Munich the territory got selfgoverment. In 1939, Hungary occupied the territory, later annexed and made the autonomous territory: Ka'rpa'talja - Pidkarpatska Rus. This territory had got own symbols (I read about it, but I have never seen this symbols). In 1944  the Soviet Union occupied the territory and in 1945 the annexed "Soviet of Transcarpathian Ucraine" "was reunified" to the Soviet Union. In 1946 the Soviet Union ceded the territory from Czechoslovakia and united it into Ukraine. The name of the territory was Zakarpatskaya Oblast in Russian, Zakarpatska oblast' in Ukrainian, Pidkarpatska Rus in Ruthenian.
Istvan Molnar, 15 September 2000

From Ukrainian Heraldry website :
In the X'th century the territory of Zakarpattia, populated by the white Croatians, belonged to the Kyivs'ka Rus'. Only with the beginning of the expansion of the Hungarians to the East the territory began depend on them. Till XIII'th century the part of Zakarpattia belonged to the Galyts'ko-Volyns'ke principality. Since XVIth century the part of Zakarpattia became the part of the Austria-Hungary, since 1919 – the part of Czechoslovakia. In 1939 on the territory of Zakarpattia the creation of the independent state – Karpats'ka Ukraine was declared. Since 1945 it is in the structure of Ukraine.
Zakarpats'ka oblast' (Trans-Carpathians region) was included in Czechoslovakia under the name of Pidkarpats'ka Rus. It got its CoA in 1920 for the first time.
Phil Nelson, 7 July 1999

Flags over Mukacheve, Uzhhorod and Berehove (before 1848: approximately):
896-1000 Arpads' (Principality of Hungary) flag
1000-1301 Arpads' (Kingdom of Hungary) flags
1301-1305 Premysl's (Kingdom of Hungary) flag
1305-1307 Wittelsbach's (Kingdom of Hungary) flag
1307-1387 Anjou's (Kingdom of Hungary) flag
1387-1437 Luxembourg's (Kingdom of Hungary) flag
1437-1439 Habsburg's (Kingdom of Hungary) flag
1440-1444 Jagello's (Kingdom of Hungary) flag
1444-1453 Habsburg (Kingdom of Hungary, governor Hunyadi) flag (in 1444 the first mention of the nowadays Hungarian CoA)
1453-1457 Habsburg (Kingdom of Hungary) flag
1458-1490 Hunyadi's (Kingdom of Hungary) flag
1490-1526 Jagello's (Kingdom of Hungary) flag
1526-1553 Szapolyai's (Kingdom of Hungary) flag
1527-1605 Habsburg (Kingdom of Hungary) flag
1605-1606 Bocskai's (Kingdom of Hungary) flag
1606-1620 Habsburg (Kingdom of Hungary) flag
1620-1621 Bethlen's (Kingdom of Hungary) flag
1621-1628 Bethlen's (Principality of Transylvania) flag
1628-1645 Habsburg (Kingdom of Hungary) flag
1645-1649 Rakoczi's (Principality of Transylvania) flag
1649-1682 Habsburg (Kingdom of Hungary) flag
1682-1683 Thokoly's (Principality of Upper-Hungary) flag
1683-1703 Habsburg (Kingdom of Hungary) flag
1703-1711 Rakoczi's (Kingdom of Hungary) flag
1711-1848 Habsburg and Hungarian (Kingdom of Hungary) flags
1848-1849 Hungarian (Kingdom of Hungary) flag
1849-1867 Austrian (Empire of Austria) flag (black-yellow)
1867-1918 Hungarian (Kingdom of Hungary) flag
1918-1919 Hungarian (People's Republic of Hungary) flag (with Kossuth CoA or without CoA)
1919 Red (Hungarian Soviet Republic) flag
1919 Romanian flag (occupation)
1919-1938 Czechoslovakian (Republic of Czechoslovakia) flag
1938-1944 Hungarian (Kingdom of Hungary) flag
1944-1946 Soviet flag (occupied territory, maybe Czechoslovakian flag?)
1946-1992 Soviet and Soviet-Ukrainian flags (1946-1952-1992)
1992-now Ukrainian (Republic of Ukraine) flag
Istvan Molnar, 27 November 2000

Coat of Arms

from Ukrainian Heraldry website

From Ukrainian Heraldry website :
Here is the description of that Coat of Arms in the middle-sized and in the big Coat of Arms of Czechoslovakian Republic according to the Law No.252 of March 30 1920: "On the back state shield in the top left field there is an Coat of Arms of Pidkarpats'ka Rus. That shield is cut into two halves - in the right azure field there are three or stripes, in the left argent field there is a red bear standing on its hind legs and looking to the right."
In March 1939 there was formed an independent state - Karpats'ka Ukraine. That state in its first law of March 15 decided: "The national Coat of Arms of Karpats'ka Ukraine is the present Coat of Arms of the region: a red bear in the left red field and four azure and three or stripes in the right field and a trident of St.Volodymyr the Great with a cross on the middle prong."
On the 18th of December 1990 the Principle about the Coat of Arms of Zakarpats'ka oblast' was adopted: "The Coat of Arms of Zakarpats'ka region h